When we were younger, we often heard the saying, “the early bird catches the worm,” implying the secrets of success and how if you wake up early, you can achieve many things and be successful.
While this isn’t entirely incorrect, let’s face it. Life has become more complicated than what we knew just a year ago. All of us have different priorities, schedules, goals, and responsibilities. It is becoming increasingly impossible to get even the most essential items on our daily list checked off. And for most, exercise becomes one of those items that gets pushed to the next day and the next until it is eventually forgotten about.
Understanding why it’s important to exercise or be active is only a Google search away. But some of our favourite reasons that we bring to the table here at KatFit include:
- Support in managing weight
- Strengthening bones and muscles
- Improving one’s ability to do everyday activities
- Reducing the risk of disease
- Support in managing stress and strengthening cardiovascular functionality
But it’s important to understand that being “active” doesn’t always equate to pumping weights for many hours at the gym or going for 10 km runs three times a week. When we talk about being active, there are a few things we try to keep in mind.

- Being active is simply the act of “moving” regularly. This can mean moving into the gym, moving around your house or moving into your backyard. As long as regular and intentional movement is included, it’s considered a win!
- What is available and accessible in terms of time and resources to someone? Only some have access to a gym, a backyard or two hours to spare every other day. So keeping in mind the movement that takes place within the boundaries of what is accessible to someone.
- Most importantly, remember the different starting points when someone is on their fitness journey. It can be someone active for many years, starting out for the first time, or getting back into fitness after a long lapse of being inactive. It’s essential to remember where someone is or is starting from when we discuss individuals’ activity levels or movement.
So if you belong to the category of someone starting out on their fitness journey or getting back on the wagon after a long recovery, holiday, or some other reason, this post is just for you.
Initial assessment of time, resources and goals

As we discussed earlier, there are a few things we have to keep in mind when talking about fitness or being “active”. When you start for the first time or restart after a long break, you must do a quick self-evaluation of a few factors.
Here are some questions to help guide you through it.
- What are the resources accessible to you? Do you have a gym you can join closer to where you work/live? Do you have a park nearby? Is it possible for you to opt to cycle or walk to work or the grocery store? If none of these is possible, can you commit to workouts online?
- Understand how much time you realistically have. Most try to fit in exercise or movement within an already jam-packed schedule or agenda. Whether it is work responsibilities or personal responsibilities, we still need to make time for exercise. So realistically, think how much time you can give per day/week and then make a note of it. Start off with some low expectations, so you have neither excuses nor the time to miss it. Once exercise becomes a habit, readjust it and maybe add one more day or hour.
- Understand what your goals are. This is the “why” you want to exercise. Is it to lose weight, get fit, become stronger/faster or climb a flight of stairs without losing breath? Understanding what this “why” is and that will support you in staying focused on your journey.
What should I avoid?

This is essential, especially for those starting or returning to their fitness journey. They might seem silly when you first read them, but they lure people into fitness. Unfortunately, they can not be very sustainable tricks!
- Do not splurge on a new activewear wardrobe! Yes, they look cute and would look great when you work out, but it is not a priority! Maybe investing in a good pair of shoes is a good idea if that isn’t something you already have. However, an entirely new wardrobe is unnecessary if your initial plan is to only workout twice a week. If you are going to the gym, no one will notice as most people are more focused on what they are doing in the gym, so you don’t need to worry
- Avoid crash diets, supplements etc. These can be tempting, especially if you want to lose weight or see results fast, but unfortunately, they do not work. Even if they work in the short run and you think you meet your fitness goals, it will result in long-term health implications that will take years to recover from or are unfortunately permanent.
- Joining a trendy gym or hopping on a fitness trend because it seems “cool”. There is nothing wrong with joining Instagram-worthy gyms or doing a fun workout, but what’s important to keep in mind is that consistency is critical, just like with all forms of exercise. What’s more, if you are hopping on the bandwagon only because it’s trendy and not in line with the assessment you had done for yourself, it will not start showing the results you want, which can also be discouraging.
So what should I do?
Glad you asked! The key to staying on track or getting started comes down to the three main principles we speak of here at KatFit.
- Set a goal. As we discussed earlier during the assessment, set a goal on why you want to exercise or get moving. This is the first step to any successful exercise routine.
- Show commitment. Find tools to stay accountable. For example, will a fitness tracker help? Or an online community that lets you upload your walks or runs? Should you get a fitness buddy to help you stay consistent? Or invest in a personal trainer to help you reach your goals?
- Have fun! The most important step is to have fun while you are getting your movement in. If you are doing something that would support you in reaching your goals but are not enjoying it, it would still be counterproductive and would not help you maintain consistent results. Fun can come in many forms. It can be the type of workout you do, the music you listen to, or even the environment you choose to be active in. Sometimes, it takes time to find joy or fun in exercise, especially if you are just starting your fitness journey or coming back after a break. Cut yourself some slack, at least for the first 2-3 months, before losing hope and concluding that exercise is not enjoyable. Starting something new can always be painful!
Being active doesn’t have to be complicated. Exercise and movement are for everybody, starting with taking the first step.
My name is Katerina, and I am a certified fitness trainer and obtained my license in Fitnesstrainer B Lizenz. My interest in nutrition led me to study at NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition and obtain my Holistic Nutrition & Health Coach Certification. I offer one-on-one personal training and also 1:2 services if you want to bring a friend. The first session, as always, is on the house.